London Marathon

When: April 13th 2008
Where: London UK
Course: All-road from Blackheath, Greenwich to The Mall via Docklands.
Start: Greenwich Park, London, SE10 8QY
Finish: The Mall, London, SW1A 1AA
Distance: 42.2 km (26.2 miles)
Elevation change: + 156 / - 194m. net -38m
Other Routes Touched (walk): Greenwich Meridian Trail, Green Chain Walk, Explore Charlton Trail, Capital Ring, Jubilee Greenway, Thames Path, Lea Valley Walk, Jubilee Walkway
Other Routes Touched (cycle): NCN 1, 13, 4, 425, / CS 3
Finish time: 4:27
Links: London Marathon, Blackheath, The Mall