Southampton Half Marathon

When: April 23rd 2017
Where: Southampton, Hampshire, UK
Course: Mix of city centre, country parks and bridges over the River Itchen. Through the football stadium at mile 10.
Other routes touched (walk): Itchen Way, Solent Way,
Other routes touched (cycle): NCN 2, 23, 236
Finish time: 1:55

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A highlight of today's Half Marathon was seeing how many people had misread the online registration form. There was a section that asked how you want your name to appear on your Race Number. Most got it right and wrote in their name, nickname, charity or running club. It's mainly there for spectators to cheer you on as you run past. Some clearly misunderstood and had "yes", "no" or "N/A" printed on them. There was even one guy who would have had people shouting "Well done ..."Just the number please"" as he ran by. Fail